Happy Monday, everyone!
Half way through the day one day, we prayed as a
companionship for help to find new investigators, and that day, we went to our
ward mission leaders house, and he referred his entire house to us! haha it was
like 6 people. I would love to see that whole house become members :) Such a
blessing from the Lord. Prayer is a powerful thing.
We attended a funeral this Saturday for our bishop's younger
sister. It was very sad. It was a bit of a reality check even for me. We need
to make the most of our mortal lives while we can. I am glad to have the
knowledge of the plan of salvation, and i am sure that bishop and his family
are as well.
I felt the Spirit so much as i sat there and thought about
the plan of salvation. Our Heavenly Father truly truly loves each and every one
of us personally.
I was reading in the Liahona about trusting in God's time. I
love that talk by Elder Bednar. He gave a story about a man who was diagnosed
with cancer just three weeks after he and his wife were married. The couple had
so much faith that he would make it through his illness, and when Elder Bednar
came to give him a blessing he asked him if he had the faith no to be healed..
Personally if i was in that situation, i don't know what i would say in
response. But he was still faithful knowing that no matter what happened, it
was all part of God's plan. I thought this story was amazing. Such a great example to
all of us. It is so important to constantly build our faith and never stop.
This gospel is without a doubt true. It is the way for all
of us to find true happiness. If you haven't found this out for yourself, please
don't give up, keep searching.
I love you all so much, have a great week and be safe.